West Virginia last played a basketball game Dec. 22 and for now won’t play again until Dec. 29.
That opens up a window over the holidays where the Mountaineers won’t be playing any contests which means there will be some decisions for head coach Bob Huggins and his team.
Given the concerns with COVID-19 across the country, it puts players and basketball programs in a bind as to whether they should allow their team to return home to spend the holidays with their families. It’s an annual tradition, but with games being canceled due to the virus it’s a legitimate issue in 2020.
But in actuality, Huggins isn’t going to give it much thought.
“I didn’t have any problem with making the decision that they should be with their families. I think it’s a shame if they can’t be. It’s the time of the year from when you’re a little kid until now that you’re with your family every Christmas and they ought to have the opportunity to do that,” he said.
It's a much needed break for those on the team as well and a recharge for their mental health after trying circumstances.
"It’s going to be big. We’ve been working really hard, got a great start to the season. I think it is well needed to get some time to reflect and look at what we’ve done right and look at what we need to work on. Off the court family is everything Christmas time and just going to enjoy the time at home," sophomore guard Deuce McBride said.
The Mountaineers have yet to have any issues with COVID-19 on their end of things, but have dealt with schedule adjustments with the Robert Morris game being canceled and replaced with North Texas then Buffalo being pushed off the slate for Northeastern.
Still, Huggins believes it is the right call.
Huggins understands there are risks involved allowing players to travel home, but there are risks associated with practically anything when it comes to the coronavirus.
“These guys have been really, really good. That’s not to say one of their relatives might not have it,” he said.
West Virginia is scheduled to return to campus Dec. 26 and will be tested and then the Mountaineers will have two more days of testing to prepare for what comes next.
“It is what it is,” Huggins said.
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