WVSports.com takes your questions and provides the answers in our mailbag feature.

What's on your mind with the West Virginia teams or recruiting?

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With the safeties leaving in Pitts and Robinson, do we just put up a big net in the deep zone and hope it can do the job or do we have bodies that can defend the deep pass at the B12 level?

This is going to be the biggest question on the defense to me. West Virginia has gone from a position of strength to one that is full of question marks as all three of the starters and the key reserve at the safety position have all exited the program either by graduation or transfer. So what does that mean for this year’s edition of the club? We’re going to find out in a hurry if Sean Mahone or Jake Long are up for the task after being in the program several years and the freshmen are going to get their chances as well to step in and try to make a dent in the depth chart. It’s telling to me, at least on the surface, that the program felt that it needed to add at least one more body there with the final 2019 scholarship.